Translating legal terms can be challenging, especially when it comes to the specificities of each country's legal system. For this reason, this glossary seeks to present suitable alternatives for common expressions in Labor Law.
When translating the names of public bodies, it is important to keep the original Portuguese word in quotation marks, as in the case of "23ª Vara do Trabalho" translated as "23th Regional Labor Court ('23ª Vara do Trabalho')".
Portuguese | English |
Adicional de Insalubridade | Health Hazard Bonus |
Adicional de Periculosidade | Hazard Bonus |
Aviso Prévio | Advance Notice |
Capacidade postulatória | Capacity to plead in court |
Carência de ação | Lack of right of action |
Cargo de confiança | Position of trust |
Coisa julgada | Res judicata |
Custas processuais | Costs of the action |
Direitos indisponíveis | Unwaivable rights |
Efeito devolutivo | Effect of review |
Efeito suspensivo | Suspensive effect |
Exceção de suspeição/impedimento | Motion to recuse the judge |
Férias Proporcionais | Vacation Periods |
FGTS | FGTS - Government Severance Indemnity Fund |
Honorários da Justiça do Trabalho | Labor Court Fees |
Horas Extras | Overtime |
Horas Extras/Adicional de Horas Extras | Overtime |
Horas Extras/Reflexos | Overtime/Reflections |
Incompetência em razão da matéria | lack of jurisdiction due to the matter |
Indenização por Dano Moral | Compensation for Moral Damage |
Inépcia da inicial | Defective pleading |
Intervalo Intrajornada | Intra-workday Breaks |
Intervalo Intrajornada/Adicional de Hora Extra | Overtime Payments/Intra-workday Breaks |
Legitimidade | Standing to sue |
Litispendência | Lis alibi pendens |
Multa de 40% do FGTS | Penalty of 40% of the FGTS - Government Severance Indemnity Fund upon termination |
Multa do Art. 477 da CLT | Penalty established by the Art. 477 of the CLT |
Multa do Artigo 467 da CLT | Penalty established in Art. 467 of CLT |
Preparo recursal | Appeal bond |
Reconhecimento de Relação de Emprego/Vínculo trabalhista | Employment Relationship Recognition |
Recurso de revista | Appeal for review |
Regimento | Internal rules |
Rescisão Indireta | Indirect Termination |
Revelia | Judgment by default |
Saldo de Salário | Overdue Salary Payments |
Verbas Rescisórias | Severance Pay |
Verbas Rescisórias/13º Salário | Severance Pay/13th Salary |
Vínculo trabalhista | Employment relationship |