Last updated on 23/11/2022
1. Agreement to Terms
By viewing or using this Website, which can be accessed at https:// and other associated links, you are agreeing to be bound byl these Terms of Use. All materials in this Website are protected by trade mark law and copyright. For purposes of this Terms of Use, the terms “company”, “we” and “our” refers to the Hugo Crema Idiomas LTDA (”HCM”).
2. Privacy policy
We advise you to read our privacy policy regarding our user data collection. It will help you better understand our practices.
3. Use License
Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials on our Website for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title or intellectual property rights, and under this license you may not:
modify or copy the materials;
use the materials for any commercial purpose or for any public display;
attempt to reverse engineer any software contained on our Website;
remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials; or
transferring the materials to another person or "mirror" the materials on any other server.
É estritamente proibido reproduzir, distribuir ou fazer uso de tal conteúdo para quaisquer outros fins sem antes obter nosso consentimento expresso por escrito.
4. Intellectual Property
All content on this website is the intellectual property of Hugo Crema Idiomas LTDA (HCM) and owned by the company, regardless of type (text, graphics, logos, etc.).
Any form, database or software that is developed wholly or partially by HCM (including any software or workflow developed jointly with you, the client) in the course of the business relationship with you shall become the sole and exclusive property of HCM. Accordingly, we reserve the right not to address any claim to the rights or ownership of any form, database or proprietary software.
The author of the material/contractor warrants to HCM that he/she has created the ownership of that material and has the legal right to use it. HCM has no right to reproduce the material in its original or translated language.
On the other hand, unless otherwise specified, HCM reserves the right to de-characterize and anonymize translated materials, using short translated excerpts for portfolio and sample creation purposes.
You agree to indemnify HCM for any third party claims for infringement of any third party intellectual property rights when such claims are made against HCM for products created based on material provided by you.
5. Disclaimer
The content of this website is made available for informational or promotional purposes only. Despite constant updates, we have no responsibility in case of missing, inaccurate, or outdated material published on the site. We reserve the right to change and update the materials contained on its Website at any time without prior notice.
All the materials on our Website are provided on an “as is” basis. Alos, all content on this website, as well as any policies and terms, is governed by Brazilian law. You agree that your use of the Website will be at your own risk.
In any case, HCM does not make any representations concerning the accuracy or reliability of the use of the materials on its Website or otherwise relating to such materials or any sites linked to this Website.
6. Limitations
Company or its suppliers will not be hold accountable for any damages that will arise with the use or inability to use the materials on our Website, even if we or an authorised representative of this Website has been notified, orally or written, of the possibility of such damage. Some jurisdiction does not allow limitations on implied warranties or limitations of liability for incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you.
7. Links
HCM has no control over all links provided on this Website and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The presence of any link does not imply endorsement of the site by HCM. The use of any linked website is at your own risk. Also, some links contained herein may lead to websites governed by foreign, non-Brazilian jurisdictions, including with respect to data security and privacy.
8. Modification of Terms of Use
Company may revise or include supplemental terms in these Terms of Use on its Website from time to time without prior notice. Please ensure that you check the current Terms of Use every time you use the Website. By using this Website, you are agreeing to be bound by the current version of these Terms of Use.
9. Compliance
HCM does not practice or tolerate activities established as harmful to Brazilian or foreign public administratico under the terms of Law n. 12,846/2013 (Brazilian Anti-Corruption Act), such as:
promising, offering or giving, directly or indirectly, an undue advantage to a public official, or to a third person related to them;
financing or sponsoring the practice of illicit acts;
using an intermediary to hide or dissimulate their real interests or the identity of the beneficiaries of the acts committed;
frustrating or defrauding public biddings, by means of adjustments or combinations against fair competition;
obtaining undue advantage or benefit, fraudulently, modifications or extensions of contracts executed with the public administration;
manipulating or defrauding the economic-financial balance of contracts executed with the public administration;
to hinder, directly or indirectly, the investigation and inspection activities of the public administration.
10. Confidentiality
Confidential information can only be transmitted by HCM to third parties with the prior written consent of the contracting party, or in case of a court order, in which case the contracting party should immediately inform the company, in writing, so that it seeks to prevent the disclosure of the information. Likewise, contractors, third parties, partners, representatives and any authorized participants of HCM's business processes must zeal for the confidentiality of processes and information. We commit:
To not use the confidential information to which we have access, to generate exclusive, unilateral benefit, or for the use of third parties;
To not make any copy confidential documentation to which we have access;
Not to appropriate confidential and/or secret material that may be made available by clients;
Not to pass on knowledge of confidential information, being responsible for all persons who may access the information;
Protect confidential information received, employing the same level of care used to protect its own information;
Maintain adequate procedures to prevent the loss of any confidential information, notifying immediately about incidents.
11. Applicable law
Any claim related to our Website shall be governed by the laws of Brazil without regards to its conflict of law provisions.
12. Contact
In case of any questions or requests, please contact us at:
SIG Quadra 1 Lote 385 | Edifício Platinum Office, 407 | Brasília, DF - Brasil
+55 61 39644003